Security Camera - TimeSplitters Rewind

Security Camera

Security Camera

Security Camera

Security Camera

Security Camera - Albedo and Normal

Security Camera - Albedo and Normal

Security Camera - UE Packed and Emissive

Security Camera - UE Packed and Emissive

Security Camera - Marmoset Toolbag Viewer

Security Camera (Damaged)

Security Camera (Damaged)

Security Camera (Damaged)

Security Camera (Damaged)

Security Camera (Damaged) - Albedo and Normal

Security Camera (Damaged) - Albedo and Normal

Security Camera (Damaged) - UE Packed and Emissive

Security Camera (Damaged) - UE Packed and Emissive

Security Camera (Damaged) - Marmoset Toolbag Viewer

Security Camera's in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

Security Camera in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

Security Camera in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

Security Camera in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

Security Camera in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

Security Camera (Damaged) in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

Security Camera (Damaged) in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

Security Camera (Damaged) in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

Security Camera (Damaged) in Unreal Engine 4.25.4.

References from original TimeSplitters 2 game
- Left is a screenshot from TimeSplitters 2
- Right is a screenshot from an upscaled version of TimeSplitters 2

References from original TimeSplitters 2 game
- Left is a screenshot from TimeSplitters 2
- Right is a screenshot from an upscaled version of TimeSplitters 2

Security Camera - TimeSplitters Rewind

This is one of the first models I created for TimeSplitters Rewind.
After creation, I realized a Cable Actor would work better than the cable I created since it had physics/dynamics with it.
We are still implementing the cable actor component at the moment so I will update this with more information when I find out.
From the short video in the Unreal Engine section at the bottom, it mostly works alright, there is some slight clipping but activating collision with the object can cause a bunch of issues. I might research another solution.
Unreal Engine 4.25.4 section:
- Security Camera - Created a shader where I separated the Green and Red Emissive lights and had the Green light stay static while the Red light flashed.
- Security Camera (Damaged) - Created a shader fire effect with noise effecting the emissive map. It also contains different parameters for changing the speed and the direction of the fire effect.
If you would like to volunteer to work on the project, feel free to reach out on the TimeSplitters Rewind Community Discord:
*Updated the Unreal Engine Images and Video, had an issue with the AORM Map.